:paperclip: Image Enhancement (R) Project

:paperclip: Image Enhancement (R) Project

- 3 mins

UBC MDS Project


Build Status Coverage status

Project Overview

Image enhancement is typically done with a full-scale editing software such as Adobe Photoshop or GIMP, but what if we just want to quickly touch up an image during prototyping in a programming environment?

picfixR allows users to quickly enhance images in an integrated development environment (IDE) (e.g. Jupyter notebook, RStudio) without powering up an image editing software. Users can quickly adjust the sharpness, contrast, and vibrance of .png images, by simply calling the corresponding functions. This package currently offers three essential image enhancement functions, and we hope to implement additional features in the near future.

To install

  1. Please ensure you have the devtools package already installed. If not, you can install devtools by running install.packages(“devtools”) at your R console.

  2. Check that you have all the required dependencies for this package installed.

  3. Install this package by running the following command at your R console.

devtools:: install_github("UBC-MDS/picfixR")

To use


sharpen(): enhance the sharpness of your image

sharpen("cat.png", 8, F, "sharpen/cat_sharpen.png")


Fig 1: Sharpen picture - before and after

vibrance(): enhance the colour vibrance of your image

vibrance("sharpen/cat_sharpen.png", 10, F, "vibrance/cat_vibrance.png")


Fig 1: Vibrance picture - before and after

contrast(): enhance the contrast of your image

contrast("vibrance/cat_vibrance.png", 1.5, F, "contrast/cat_contrast.png")


Fig 1: Contrast picture - before and after

Overall results

Fig 1: Contrast picture - before and after

Supported image types


Tests and test coverage




Fitting into the R ecosystem

magick provides R with a comprehensive package with an overwhelming amount of functionality for complex image processing. However, even for basic image enhancements, users typically still have to dig into a substantial amount of documentation and implementation details. This project offers a simple alternative, allowing users to have the ability to enhance images quickly during prototyping without the overhead of heavy library resources.

Team Members

Full Project Repository


Mani Kohli

Mani Kohli

Data Scientist

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